Where is God when we are in the dark?
Is God caught off guard when dark times happen? Does God’s mind race trying to deal with the trouble that comes in life? Does He see I’m lost in the dark? Why does it feel like I’m so alone? Does He hear my cry for help? Why is this struggle so hard? Does He even care?
In He Can Be Trusted, Melody Box uses her story of fighting a very rare and dangerous form of cancer to assure us that God is not caught off guard, He does have a plan and He is right beside you through your darkest trial.
Early on in her battle with cancer Melody knew she had no control over whether she would win or not. But she didn’t want to spend the time she had by hiding in the dark. She wanted to show her doctors, nurses, caregivers, friends and family that God cares for each of them. Through humor, wit, and use of biblical stories, Melody shows us that only God is able to take the bad things that happen in life to bring about good.